On: March 15-23, 2016
Place: University of Melbourne, Australia
Professor Geoff McColl, Dean of Melbourne Medical School, Professor Stephen Trumble, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and delegates welcomed Associcate Professor Preecha Wanichsetakul, Dean of Faculty of Medicine, Thammasat University, Professor Dr. Prakitpunthu Tomtitchong, Associate Dean for International Affairs, Associate Professor Dr. Panadda Rojpibulstit, Associate Dean for Student Affairs & Health Promotion on an occasion of the technical visit at Melbourne Medical School, Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry & Health Sciences, University of Melbourne, Australia. Future collaboration between the two institutes was discussed.
Furthermore, delegates from Faculty of Medicine, Thammasat University participated 17th Ottawa Conference and the ANZAHPE 2016 Conference, to be held at Perth Exhibition and Conference Centre, Perth, Western Australia, from March 19-23 2016. In this conference, Prof. Aviad Haramati, specialist from School of Medicine, Georgetown University was invited to be visiting professor at Thammasat University which will lecture and train on “Leadership in Medical Education และ Mindfulness for Medical Education”.